Health textbooks submitted for Texas adoption caused much controversy. Pro-family organizations (CWA, Eagle Forum, American Family Association, CEE, Texas Council for Family Values, etc.) considered all of the books inaccurate, too explicit, and sexually provocative and rated them as follows, from least to most offensive:
• • •
PRENTICE HALL HEALTH: Skills for Wellness• • •
MAKING LIFE CHOICES: Health Skills & Concepts
Pro-family groups requested 1,200 changes. Texas' Commissioner of Education recommended 600 changes. However, the State Board of Education voted for
only 300 changes in the five books adopted.
HOLT HEALTH was voluntarily removed by the publisher rather than make the requested changes. This means the uncorrected HOLT
HEALTH will continue to be sold nationwide, as will the books already printed by the other four publishers.
We have prepared two charts on these Health texts. One chart covers their treatment of AIDS and the other chart the treatment of STDs. We also have
available 200 pages of reviews on the above four texts.
Three of these stress contraceptives and "safe sex." Abstinence is mentioned
only in passing. This, although a survey of students listed in the Who's Who Among American High School Students two or three years ago revealed
that over 75% of both boys and girls had not engaged in sex. The texts are written as though all students are sexually active. Why are the students
who practice abstinence not used as role models in Health textbooks?