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Educational Research Analysts

Emphasis on mastery

of basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts

in 3rd grade Math texts submitted for 1999 Texas adoption

Saxon ©1997
Math 3

140 lessons
SRA ©1999
SRA Math

154 lessons
Harcourt ©1999
Math Advantage

28 chapters
Scott-Addison ©1999

12 chapters
Silver ©1999
The Path to
Math Success

12 chapters
McGraw ©1999
Math in My World

12 chapters
Everyday Learning ©1998
Everyday Math

120 lessons
Do student
activities stress
number-fact recall,
not reinvention strategies*?
Daily quizzes and basic fact practice
Daily "Mental Math" exercises practice rapid recall of basic facts. Many games are designed for fact practice.
Student text stresses reinvention strategies* (e.g., pp. 1-5, 14, 15, 68, 70, 107). Occasional, but not daily, fact-recall practice (e.g., TE, pp. 5, 16D, 204D, 210, 219, 242D). Most fact-recall practice is in back of book (TE, pp. H124A, B1-B2).
3 games practice multiplication facts
(pp. 249, 260). Division-fact activities do not stress automaticity (p. 305). Addition and subtraction number-fact review in early chapters only.
Much emphasis on reinvention strategies* (e.g., pp. 46, 56, 58, 230) Minimal activities for number-fact recall in student text. Only some daily "Math Minutes" cover number-fact recall.
Student text stresses reinvention strategies*(e.g., pp. 3,6, 33, 20). Several number-fact card games suggested (e.g., p. 211; TE, pp. xiD, 291B, 239D, 5). Brief "Daily Reviews" include only four "FAST FACTS" each.
Many number-fact games (e.g., "Beat the Calculator") and choral drills (e.g., Teacher's Reference Manual, pp. 109-110, 111, 166, 177).
Are timed number-fact tests or quiz­zes provided with instruc­tions for use? YES
daily quizzes
3- or 4-minute
speed tests for addi­tion, subtraction and multiplication (pp. 38, 176, 177 and TE, p. 36) but division-fact test is not timed (p. 192).
Number-fact tests of 80 problems each are more extensive than in the SRA, but with no specific time suggested [TE, p. H121-H124 (tests); TE, p. H124A (Ideas for using tests)].
Tests are not timed and include few number facts.
Daily "Math Minutes" (many of 5 or 6 basic facts) are timed but are far fewer than in Saxon. "Checkpoints" on multiplication and division facts are not timed (pp. 224, 350).
Tests are not timed and include few number facts. The four "FAST FACTS" in each "Daily Review" lack suggested time limits or instruc­tions for use.
See Teacher's Manual & Lesson Guide,
p. 145, par. 3 –
p. 146, top of page.
Does the Teacher's Edition (TE) stress impor­tance of automatic recall of number facts? YES
See TE, p. v,
par. 2, lines 1-4.
See TE, p. T25.
TE is ambivalent on automaticity. Contrast
TE, p. E4, col. 2, par. 6,
and TE, p. E15, col. 2, par. 2, lines 1-3
with TE, p. E15, col. 2, par. 3, lines 6-8
and TE, p. H124A, col. 1, par. 1, lines 1-3.
"Students may want to use calculators to solve all the addition problems. For exer­cises 2a-2f suggest that stu­dents use them only to check their work."
– TE, p. 96B, col. 1, par 2
"Focus on the process of finding an answer, not the answer itself."
– TE, p. xvii
"… there are many ways to find sums; [students] should choose the way they think is easiest."
– TE, p. 9, right margin, lines 2-4
Contrast Teacher's Reference Manual,
p. 125, par. 4
with Teacher's Reference Manual, p. 109,
par. 1-3.
overall rating:

* "Reinvention strategies" include "count on," "make a ten," "use doubles," "count back," "count up," "draw an array," "skip count," "use models," and "find patterns."