no fossil evidence for gradual evolution |
"Punctuated equilibria" theory admits the systematic gaps between life forms in the fossil record, and the lack of evidence there for gradual evolution. |
no known mechanism for rapid evolution |
Neo-Darwinians say no known genetic mechanism can produce the sudden evolutionary leaps envisioned by "punctuated equilibria" theory. |
conflicts between anatomy and biochemistry |
Phylogenies based on comparative biochemistry often contradict phylogenies based on comparative anatomy, and multiply the number of missing transitional forms in the fossil record. |
circular reasoning in "punctuated equilibria" theory | "Punctuated equilibria" theory says evolution occurs too slowly to see it in the present, and too quickly for the fossil record to capture in the past. This is circular reasoning: the lack of evidence for evolution proves it happened. |
circular reasoning in the standard geological column | "Index fossils" are fossils of life forms that evolutionists think lived only briefly in geologic time. Evolutionists position rocks in the Standard Geological Column by the stage which their index fossils represent in the presumed evolution of life. Thus the Standard Geological Column reflects evolutionary assumptions but does not prove them. |
subjective interpretation of the standard geological column | No actual single example of the entire Standard Geological Column exists in nature. The alleged evolutionary ages of rock strata do not always match the alleged evolutionary ages of some of the fossils they contain. Supposedly younger strata sometimes contain supposedly older fossils. Supposedly older strata sometimes contain supposedly younger fossils. |
complex initial appearance of life forms in the fossil record | Evolution says complex life forms developed from simple forms. But the "earliest" fossils of each life form are as structurally complex as their modern counterparts. The kingdoms, phyla, and classes that first appear in the fossil record still exist today. |
no undisputed transitional forms in the fossil record | Below the level at which they discovered Australopithecus, Homo habilis, and Homo erectus, the Leakeys at the same site later found remains of a stone dwelling clearly built by man. Some Homo habilis and Homo erectus specimens have also been dated at the same or greater ages than Australopithecus. Thus these creatures may not be Homo sapiens’ ancestors. |
variation is not "micro-evolution" |
Evolution requires increased net genetic complexity (between the first cell and man, there had to be new genes). Recombination reshuffles chromosomes. Mutations restructure DNA. Neither increases net genetic complexity. Darwin's finches, Kaibab and Albert squirrels, industrial melanism (spotted moths), penicillin-resistant bacteria, and DDT-resistant insects are non-evolutionary adaptations of existing life forms to new environments, involving no increased net genetic complexity. |
flaws in radiometric dating | Radiometric dating methods give conflicting dates for the same object and/or for different samples of the same object. |
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