Texas has approved four grades 1-5 Science series for 2000 local adoption. Our reviews show how well these conform to the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) on teaching evolution in Grade 5. Texas does not require those programs to discuss evolution. But if they present a scientific theory in grades 3-5, by law they must tell its scientific strengths and weaknesses. On this they rank as follows:
Better | HARCOURT SCIENCE Harcourt © 2000 |
Better | SCOTT FORESMAN SCIENCE Addison-Wesley © 2000 |
Poor | McGRAW-HILL SCIENCE McGraw-Hill © 2000 |
Poor | HOUGHTON MIFFLIN SCIENCE Houghton Mifflin © 2000 |
Their 5th Grade texts suggest that Houghton and McGraw are much more dogmatic on evolution than Harcourt and
Scott. How could the state review panel miss these TEKS violations? Maybe the same
way that it found only 32 errors and defects in those four programs at all five grade
levels, while we found 178 more in Grade 5 alone. We have full documentation.
No publisher funded our reviews in any way. We have no financial stake in any
textbook company. Unlike publishers' sales reps, we have no monetary interest in any
textbook adoption outcome. Our support comes from concerned individuals and a few
small foundations, none of whom to our knowledge have any connection with the public school textbook industry.