A condensation of our first 24 years' experience. It identifies problems, gives examples and sources, and helps you win battles without "reinventing
the wheel." Available for a $5.00 contribution.
An Indiana parent wrote: "Thank you so much for the work you do. … Your book says it all! It's such
a help! … This is the best book I've found for people to become informed."
Are Textbooks Harming Your Children?
by James C. Hefley
An expanded paperback version of the Gabler's first book, Textbooks on Trial – the autobiographical account of Mel & Norma's first few years working with textbooks.
"Outrageous facts about child abuse & everyday rebellions against a system that threatens every North American family." Appendices
include "What to do if you are hotlined" and "Child Abuse Laws summarized by state" — as of 1985.
Available from the publisher:
None Dare Call It EDUCATION
by John Stormer
Available from John Stormer at
Liberty Bell Press
P.O. Box 32-D
Florissant, Missouri 63032
Also available at Amazon.com
Child Abuse in the Classroom
compiled by Phyllis Schlafly
available from Pere Marquette Press, Alton, Illinois
also available at Amazon.com
This paperback book is a compilation of transcripts of classroom abuse testimonies given in public hearings held by the U.S. Department of Education.
published by Crossway Books, Westchester, Illinois in paperback
Parents' Rights details many Supreme Court decisions which define parental rights and shows how to fight back. This book gives valuable help for parents.
Yes, Virginia, There is Right and Wrong
by Kathleen Gow, Ph.D. of Canada
Distributed by Fidelity House
P.O. Box 5694
Sun City, Florida 33570
telephone: (813) 634-2308
Excellent explanation of values education
What Are Your Kids Reading? The Alarming Trend In Today's Teen Literature
by Jill M. Carlson
Carlson Publishing
1527 South Union Rd.
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
telephone: (319) 277-1904
Reveals the objectionable content of today's teen novels and gives parents strategies to upgrade school and public libraries.
Advance Publishing
6950 Fulton Street
Houston, Texas 77022
telephone: (800) 917-9630 See AdvancePublishing.com – FREE in PDF format!
Our take: Finds an irrational liberal deathwish behind values-neutral children's literature and non-directive character
"education"; insists on a return to strict, loving discipline and comprehensive values-specific moral instruction in public schools
Merton Glenn Publishing
1527 South Union Rd.
Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613
telephone: (319) 277-1904
Pro-life fiction for teens – Teenage hero Tony saves an abandoned baby (an abortion
survivor) and ends up fleeing desperados that want the baby dead.
Sommer-Time Stories
by Carl Sommer
Advance Publishing, Inc.
6950 Fulton Street
Houston, Texas 77022
telephone: (800) 917-9630
website: www.AdvancePublishing.com
Sommer-Time Stories are colorfully illustrated 50-page character-building hardback books for elementary age readers. Each one teaches a timeless
moral virtue. In No Longer a Dilly Dally, the Dilly Dally ant family learns the hard way to work before playing. In Tied Up in Knots, pet mules teach
a brother and sister not to be selfish and stubborn. Titles include:
Our Recommended Reading handbook is a compilation of more than 20 lists of recommended titles for various age levels. Request a copy |
See table of contents
Check out Donna Garner's reading list of over 150 titles, with corresponding grade level(s).
Donna Garner
taught English for decades in Texas public schools and is a long-time friend of our work.