The Trinitarian U.S. Constitution is pessimistic on human nature, hence the need to share sovereignty through separation of powers, checks and balances, and federalism, to restrain abusive rulers. (The connection between pessimism on human nature and Trinitarianism is that because corrupt man cannot self-redeem, Christ must be divine to atone for man's sin; and conversely, Christ's deity implies man's depravity, in that only a divine Savior can regenerate man, who cannot self-regenerate.)
Unitarian welfare statism is optimistic on human nature. In this view incentivizing sloth through doles allegedly will not enable self-destructive, anti-social behavior. (The connection between optimism on human nature and Unitarianism is that if perfectible man can self-redeem, there is no need for a divine Christ to atone for man's sin; and conversely, Christ's non-deity would imply man's innate goodness, that man can self-regenerate without a divine Savior. Salvation-by-works is the essence of Phariseeism.)
Consistent with its pessimism on human nature, the U.S. Constitutional Convention's original intent was to deny human sovereignty over the money supply, by rejecting a bid to authorize federal emissions of "bills of credit," i.e., federal fiat paper money. Consistent with its optimism on human nature, welfare statism (confident that virtuous rulers will not abuse their power) requires human sovereignty over the money supply and infinite taxation via monetary inflation to cover its unslakeable deficits.
True to its harmony with Christ, the Personal Word of God, Trinitarian U.S. Constitutionalism jibes with the Bible, the written word of God, whose rule (Deut. 17:17) is that government should not "greatly multiply" the money supply. This is anti-thetical to what Unitarian welfare statism demands, echoing its stark denial of Christ's deity and defiance of God's written word, which says (Ex. 20:15) "Thou shalt not steal." That is exactly what inflation stealthily does to both creditors' and debtors' purchasing power.
Based on obvious original intent, an inflationary governmental monetary policy is unconstitutional. Welfare statism is inherently inflationary, and hence intrinsically unconstitutional. It taxes enterprise and subsidizes dependence. It therefore gets less of the former and more of the latter, raising prices and lowering living standards by penalizing productive consumption while promoting unproductive consumption by newly-created classes of welfare recipients, bureaucrats, and soldiers under arms.
Speaking of soldiers under arms, welfare-state costs dwarf defense spending. But they also drive it, because since 1973 an increasingly-overextended U.S. military, instead of gold, has backed the dollar's monopoly as world reserve currency in international trade against growing challenges by restive nations vexed by its supremacy. Thus though welfare-state and defense budgets supposedly vie for federal resources, they in fact partner to cause and enforce U.S. international inflationary economic imperialism.