Educational Research Analysts  June 2009 Newsletter 
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A Beka Book
Bob Jones University Press
What might these Christian Economics texts stress?
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The Humanist Dualism

Humanism makes either society or the individual sovereign, subordinating the
one to the other. In economics this means government control or liberta­rianism. The former's goal is to

We will not
have this man
[Christ] to
reign over us.
Luke 19:14

redistribute wealth to the state; the latter's, personal freedom. Redistri­bution kills produc­tivity. Without virtue, freedom dies. The first brings want; the second, anarchy. Both are suicidal.

Government control promises humanistic security, an oxymoron, a rejection of divine sovereignty, of God's Word, of Jesus Christ. For such apostasy
the Bible predicts insecurity – dwindling

And ye shall
cry out in that
day because
of your king
which ye shall
have chosen you;
and the Lord will
not hear you ….
I Samuel 8:18

property rights, debased money, oppressive taxation – as sovereign rulers shift wealth and
power to themselves, persuasive proof of the non-humanistic origin of Scripture.

Libertarians often agree with specific Biblical economic principles. Yet they err in thinking these deny only government sovereignty over property, taxation, money. In fact these

I will walk
at liberty:
for I seek
thy precepts.
Psalm 119:45

deny all sovereignty
to any human entity. They maximize happiness because thus saith the Lord,
not because they
promote individual
freedom (although
they do that).



In the Trinity, unity
and plurality are
equally ultimate and
neither subordinate. The Godhead is not inferior to the three Persons, nor they to the Godhead. The Word of God being

That they all
may be one;
as Thou, Father,
art in Me [Christ],
and I in Thee,
that they also
may be one
in us ….
John 17:21

both a divine Person (Christ) and divine Truth (Scripture), human unity and individuality are also equally ultimate and neither subordinate when man obeys Biblical principles.

The same specific Biblical economic principles bind human government today as absolutely as Jesus Christ is God's only-begotten Son. If they can change over time, become obsolete, no

For ever,
O Lord,
thy word is
settled in heaven.
Psalm 119:89

longer apply, the Word of God Himself can evolve and we may have new Christs, other Saviors, a Trinity in flux. The finality of God's written and Personal Word stands or falls together.

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