Educational Research Analysts  June 2009 Newsletter  
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CONCEPTUAL VOID in Christian high school Economics texts
Work and Prosperity
in Christian Perspective
A Beka Book ©1999
for Christian
Bob Jones University Press ©1998
Underdevelops the Bible
as an economics text
  Vacillates on its claim that the
Bible is "not … an economics text"
Neither asks Scripture specialized questions only economists would conceive.
Neither gives detailed Biblical answers on property, money, taxes.
Neither tells trinitarian Christocentric premises of free-market principles.
Neither sees anti-trinitarian non-Christocentrism in failed unfree-market policies.
Neither links such different economic effects to their rival Christologies.
Neither frames these points into short, stark nexuses.
Neither deeply desecularizes its subject matter or pedagogy.
Neither "brings into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ."
Neither meets this full potential as a compelling alternative to secular texts.
Neither maximizes student discernment of truth from error in research.
Neither grows Christian teachers' exercise of a renewed mind.
Neither ties closely enough to U.S. History and American Government.
Teacher Guide is separate
from student text.
  Teacher wraparound
is easier to use.
9 factual errors
7 technical defects
  20 factual errors
15 technical defects
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