Educational Research Analysts
May 2007 Newsletter  
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teachers respond
We faxed our report on 2007 6th grade
Math programs to 1100+ Texas school
districts and received 101 requests for
more info – a nice response rate.

Some districts were silent on our
6th grade findings, but teachers at
other levels asked for our reviews,
which was indirect positive feedback.
"Thank you so much for your quick reply to my request. Also, please let your staff know that my math teachers and I appreciate all of the work your group put into this. It gave great credence to our debates and the choice we made. I think I will be able to sleep again."
– middle school principal
"THANKS! I have received the infor­mation. I didn't realize I was going to get such superior service. I appreciate your efforts and they will weigh in on my decision for purchas­ing textbooks."
– junior high Math department chair
"Thanks for this helpful information."
– middle school principal
"We have received a copy of your Texas 6th grade Math textbook rating and would like a copy of your 7th and 8th grade review. The 6th grade was very interesting. Thanks for taking the time to research the textbooks. … I have a question: Why are y'all doing this comparison? It is really helpful for us. We are so glad you have done this. We have talked about going to different sales presentations and they all have very good sales pitches. It is hard to pick the best. Thanks for all your work."
– middle school Math teacher
"Thank you so much for attending to this so quickly. I appreciate the work you and your colleagues are doing. God bless you!"
– Christian school curriculum director
"Thank you for sending this in­for­mation. … This is ex­cel­lent to pro­vide for my text­book com­mittee."
– school district curriculum director
"A million thanks for the info and the speedy reply. … all your hard work and info is exactly what I need. You saved me a slew of time and headaches and I really appre­ciate it. Have a wonderful day."
– middle school Math department chair
"Thank you, this is very helpful."
– school district coordinator
"Thank you for the informa­tion!!! … The information you supplied will help us to make a more informed decision for our students. Thanks again for all your help."
– middle school staff member
"We are very interested in re­ceiving a copy of your docu­mentation of the 6th grade Math textbook adoptions. We have looked over the initial comparisons and would love to read what you all have to say!"
– middle school teacher
"We appreciate your services, and value your opin­ions since you have no financial stake in [the] textbook industry. Thank you for your reply and the information you attached. I'll forward it on to the middle school math teachers."
– middle school special programs director
"As an educator, thank you for the time you put in to help us analyze what's out there more objectively."
– middle school Math teacher
"Your 6th grade math study has proved very useful …."
– high school Math teacher
"Thank you so much for sharing this infor­mation with me!"
– middle school Math teacher