Educational Research Analysts  November 2007 Newsletter 
what they
say now:


A Beka Book
Much on contrasts between Christian and Communist beliefs; nothing on utopian­ism and U.S. diplomacy


Bob Jones University Press
Five student text lines on national defense as a Bibli­cal goal of foreign policy; Teacher's Edition lets students develop Biblical principles of foreign relations.

what these Christian Government texts might add:
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The U.S. repeatedly misjudged Cold War struggles in
China, Cuba, Laos, and South Vietnam between 1945 and 1975,
in each instance making all or some of the following mistakes.
misperception reality
Rebels in the conflicted nation were
non-Communist "agrarian reformers," "left-
wing democrats," idealistic "nationalists."
They were Communists –
trained, financed, equipped by
Russia or a satellite country.
Anti-Communists there were "reactionary
elitists" whom the U.S. should shun.
The U.S. helped push the nation from bad
authoritarianism to worse totalitarianism.
Ceasefires were desirable,
on terms satisfactory
to the Communists.
If anti-Communists were winning, the U.S.
demanded ceasefires, which Communists
violated to improve their position.
All parties to the
conflict must join in a
coalition government.
Communists in the coalition government
seized the internal security apparatus.
Anti-Communists then quit or were fired.
The U.S. should cut economic and
military aid, to bend anti-Communists to the ceasefires and coalition government.
Communists got
much military aid
from the Soviet bloc.
Anti-Communists were demoralized
because their leaders were corrupt.
Anti-Communists were demoralized
because they lacked arms and ammunition.
The U.S. was fighting Communism. The U.S. was empowering Communists.
Communists won due to internal
causes beyond U.S. control.
The capacity for self-deception was great because the need for illusion was deep.
The same recurrent syndrome of errors vexed U.S. diplomacy for 30 years
due to a subliminal sharing of Communists' utopian socialist goals to …
Redeem man politically, not vicariously.
Regenerate man environmentally or institutionally, not divinely.
Fulfill man materialistically, not supernaturally.
Unite man immanently, not transcendently.

… whose premise was …
Man is good or perfectible.
The state can transform him.
Christ was not divine.

… which contained a death wish:
"He that sinneth against Me
wrongeth his own soul:
all they that hate Me
love death."
Proverbs 8:36
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