Educational Research Analysts  November 2007 Newsletter  
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A Beka Book
Bob Jones University Press
Tries to transform subject
but lacks Biblical depth
  Adds general Biblical concepts
to standard secular content
Both forfeit Christocentrism by underdeveloping Scriptural principles.
Neither links the Constitution's premise of human depravity to
Christ's necessary deity to atone for sin, and thus to trinitarianism.
Neither tells how original intent preserves trinitarian federalism.
Briefly deplores "incorporation"
of U.S. Bill of Rights on states
  Takes no position on
this erosion of federalism
Neither tracks unitarian trends on police powers and interstate commerce.
Neither ties the lapse from trinitarian constitutionalism to
optimistic views of human nature and denial of Christ's deity.
Both miss how this affects foreign policy, and money and banking.
Notes flaws, dangers, abuses
in federal regulatory bodies
  Accepts growing bureaucracy
as inevitable in modern life
Some free market principles   Fewer free market principles
Both stress how today's "separation of church and state"
departs from the original intent of the establishment clause.
Both note the importance of virtue to freedom, of Christian conservative
political activism, of the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
Teacher Guide separate
from student edition
  Teacher wraparound
easier to use
33 factual errors
15 technical defects
  37 factual errors
21 technical defects
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