Annual Textbook Ratings and Comparisons: We rank textbooks approved for Texas
schools and often used nationwide. Subjects include Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies, Biology, U.S. History, Literature, and Health.
Detailed Textbook Reviews: We can e-mail detailed multi-page reviews of the books we rank.
Either submit an online request, or email us directly at info @ When requesting a review, please give us the book's title, publisher, and
copyright date. We do not need to know the author(s).
Handbooks: These are compilations of
helpful materials from many sources, primarily on phonics and recommended reading/literature.
Printed Materials Related to Textbooks: These include news articles, discussions
of current education controversies such as phonics, evolution, and political correctness, and resolutions by elected public bodies honoring our work
Semi-annual Newsletter: Exclusive reports on our current review projects. Print edition only. Our contributors receive this automatically.
Lists of objectionable textbooks or publishers
Reviews of library books, films, or encyclopedias
We send no bill, but as a 501[c][3] non-profit we need contributions
to continue our work. In general, our minimum shipping and handling cost is $5 plus 15¢ per page.
Reviewing, researching and compiling costs are greater. Thanks for whatever you can give!